Image: Storm on the sunshine coast by texaus1
Current Warnings

About the disaster management website
In line with the Disaster Management Act 2003, the Queensland Government must make available for inspection, free of charge, by members of the public certain disaster management information. To enable this, the Disaster Management website was established to provide a platform for the Queensland Government to make disaster management information available, enabling a complete view of disaster management publications for Disaster Management Practitioners.
Queensland Police Service is the administrator for this site. To ensure continuous improvement of our services and products or have a publishing request, please submit via our contact us page.
Queensland’s largest Disaster and Emergency Service Reform is now complete. These exciting new changes include:
- A newly established Emergency Management and Coordination and Command, Queensland Police Service - dedicated to supporting disaster management in Queensland.
- Our state’s trusted and strengthened State Emergency Service.
- A newly established Marine Rescue Queensland.
- Queensland Fire Department, including Queensland Fire Rescue and Rural Fire Service Queensland.
- Boosted resilience and recovery through Queensland Recovery Agency.
View the Disaster and Emergency Services brochure to read about what’s been achieved and how the state’s disaster and emergency services have been boosted in Queensland’s new era of Disaster and Emergency Services.
As we continue to progress the State Disaster Management Plan (SDMP) and the PPRR Disaster Management Guideline (the DM Guideline) review and renewal program, users will notice ongoing maintenance to the DM website.
Areas of focus are:
- The DM Guideline page [previously known as the PPRR DM Guideline]
- The DM Guideline Supporting Resources page [previously known as the Support Toolkit]
- The Noticeboard
Please be mindful of the following:
- Links previously marked as favourites may need updating.
- The search bar should be used to locate resources of interest.
If you have an enquiry, feedback, suggestions, compliment or complaint reach out via the contact us form.
On 29 November 2024, the Police Commissioner approved the below in accordance with a Queensland Disaster Management Committee decision of 8 July 2024:
- Interim Disaster Management Guideline (The DM Guideline) 2024-2025 (PDF, 2 MB)
- Schedule of Amendments – Interim QPPRR Guideline 2024-2025 (PDF, 353 KB)
- DM Guideline Supporting Resources; and
- Amendment Summary - DM Guideline Supporting Resources (PDF, 414 KB)
If you require further information on any of the items listed above, please contact D&GFramework@police.qld.gov.au
On the 24th of September 2024, the Minister responsible for the Disaster Management Act 2003 approved the Interim State Disaster Management Plan (SDMP) 2024-2025 and the Interim SDMP Amendment Schedule 2024-2025 in accordance with a Queensland Disaster Management Committee decision of 8 July 2024.
In December 2024, Appendix B - Roles and Responsibilities was amended, to reflect the shift of disaster management roles and responsibilities resulting from the changes to Queensland departments of government on 1 November 2024.
Updates are outlined in the Addendum – Interim SDMP Appendix B Roles and Responsibilities .
If you require further information about the Interim State Disaster Management Plan 2024-25, please contact D&GFramework@police.qld.gov.au
When this happens, your mobile devices may appear to work fine and receive calls, but you will not be able to make calls to Triple Zero (000).
You won’t receive Emergency Alert (EA) messages either on a 3G handset, which is an important alert during severe weather, flood, cyclone and other possible disasters.
This change will not only affect your phone, but all handheld devices.
If you have a device that relies on a 3G network, you must upgrade your device now.
For more information on how to contact your service provider, visit the Australian Mobile Telecommunications Association site (Opens in new window) or for information on warnings and emergency alerts visit our Disaster warning page .
Guideline content has been reviewed to assist disaster management practitioners to incorporate the principles outlined in the EM-SAP into their disaster planning cycle.
Councils are asked to undertake comprehensive evacuation planning across all hazards.
The release of the places of reference guidance material will provide additional tools for local governments to assess the suitability of a site and technical guidance to confirm the structural robustness of the building.
This new guidance has been developed by DEPW in conjunction with the James Cook University’s Cyclone Testing Station.
Refer Prevention preparedness response and recovery disaster management guideline section 4.4.6.
New Form DM14 allows for a notice to be given under section 20B of the Disaster Management Act 2003 during a disaster situation that has the effect of suspending the operation of the ‘deemed approval provision’ of the Planning Act 2016 (Section 64).
The RACF Planning and Response Checklist (DOCX, 3 MB) , accompanied by the Planning Resource (PDF, 2 MB) , is a supporting tool for residential aged care facilities to develop, review or update their business continuity and disaster or emergency management plans. The principles are also transferable to support planning for retirement villages, disability accommodation and other care facilities.
QFES has coordinated an update of the State of Queensland Multi-Agency Response Plan to Chemical, Biological and Radiological (CBR) incidents (State CBR Plan) and sub plans through the auspices of the State CBR committee. The plans include:
- State of Queensland Multi-Agency response to CBR (Chemical Biological Radiological incidents
- State of Queensland Chemical/HAZMAT Response plan
- State of Queensland Biological Response Plan
- State of Queensland Radiological Response Plan
- State of Queensland Multi-Agency Hazardous Materials Incident Recovery Plan.
The plans outline the broad arrangements for the preparedness and initial response to these incidents, coordination arrangements and support the arrangements outlined in the Queensland Counter Terrorism Plan (QCTP) and State Disaster Management Plan.
Updates reflect contemporary machinery of government arrangements, includes a modernised format that is consistent with the QCTP and maintains previously agreed roles and responsibilities.
The updated plans are available under the State Disaster Management Plans – Functional and Hazard Specific Plans on the Disaster Website.
An Exercise Engagement and Support Platform has been developed to provide disaster management stakeholders with the support and guidance to share, plan, implement and evaluate their program of exercises.
To access the Exercise Engagement and Support Platform, you must be a current Queensland disaster management stakeholder from local government, state government, the Australian Government or a disaster management non-government organisation.
To receive access to the Exercise Engagement and Support Platform site, please complete the web form outlining your details including your disaster management role or function within Queensland.
If you have any questions about the Exercise Engagement and Support Platform, please contact the Exercising, Development and Coordination Unit, Queensland Police Service on ExercisingEngagement.EMCC@police.qld.gov.au.
- Bookmarks and links to documents from the previous DM Website will need updating.
- Redirects will be in place from the current website pages to new site pages for 12 months, however not for specific links to documents themselves.
- From Tuesday, 1 November 2022, Emergency Alerts will be available in a graphical format.
The State Disaster Coordination Centre Watch Desk processes Emergency Alerts on behalf of all disaster management agencies in Queensland.
Until now, the messaging for an Emergency Alert was re-posted on the disaster website homepage in text format only. This change provides the Emergency Alert message and area on an interactive map.
Your feedback and suggestions for improvement are encouraged through the Contact us form at any time.
- A link to the updated QDMA Participant Guide (V9.1) is available
- The Queensland Disaster Management Arrangements (QDMA) Participant Guide (PDF, 7 MB) has been updated and is located on the Awareness and Training page.